Wild Foraging With Maddie!


Maddie Gordon is an inspiration to us all! You can find her foraging for wild plants, felting magical creations, and illustrating whimsical paintings to say the least. Getting to know Maddie has unfurled through the many years of artistic transformation. From creating the Tiny Mess cookbook, to scavenging wild pastures in search of new wild plants, Maddie is always bringing new beauty and delight to this world.

With the rains coming our way and the wild weeds beginning to sprout we are excited to share a little foraging inspiration with you! Here are a few tips that we suggest when you are heading out to the mountains or on the bluffs close to sea….

1) There is always an abundance of wild plants and flowers just asking to be foraged and made into delicious recipes but a rule to go by when foraging is to always leave plenty for the plants to regrow, as well as for the hungry animals! Be mindful about how much you really need and if you can, leave the roots to help the plant regrow!

2) Get curious! There are so many books on plant ID and wild foraging tips and what a beautiful way to learn about your local plants! Head out to your local book shop, search the web, or even better learn from a teacher! Knowledge is power and it is always so important to create intimacy with plants before you go out to harvest! There are also some amazing pocket sized field guides that always come in handy when out on the trails because you never know who you will discover.

3) Let your senses guide you! Its so beautiful when you are able to sit with a plant and smell it, feel it, look at it, and if its safe, taste it! Grab your journal and take a few moments to draw what you find, jot down a few notes, and maybe some questions if they arise. This is a great way to get to know the plants more intimately and grow a deeper connection!

4) Listen to you intuition! Never eat something that you are not entirely sure is safe. Safety is the ultimate rule when going out and foraging! Be aware of where you are harvesting as well. Spots near roads or dog pee spots are best to leave alone.

5) Have fun and get creative! Once you have identified some edible plants, the fun part begins! Its the perfect time of year to get creative in the kitchen. Discover new ways of cooking, new recipes to play with, and get feasting!

The mountains are calling and we can’t wait to get out there and explore the open fields! With the rain on its way, the weeds will be abundant!
